Ryan Adda is proud to be a part of the Zeiss Virtual Try On catalogue

On behalf of the entire Ryan Adda family, it is with great pleasure that we announce our initiation into the prestigious Zeiss Virtual Try On (VTO) catalogue. The Zeiss VTO catalogue through its virtual centration also raises efficiency through easy virtual customer portfolios and improved fitting process.  

Zeiss VTO catalogue relies on Artificial Intelligence to process customer interaction and analyse the user’s tastes and preferences to suggest Ryan Adda’s proprietary eyeglasses from a wide array of design and colour combinations. In addition to retail stores across the world, Ryan Adda’s premium minimalistic eyewear frames are now available for digitised consultation.

Established in 2016, Ryan Adda was the brainchild of two visionary partners – Ryan and Agnes. Through their collaborative efforts, the world met one of its leading brands of designer eyewear

Ryan Adda started as a project between two experts in optometry and in dispensing and won accolades and recognition as one of the premiering designer eyeglass brands across the world within just 6 years of inception. Currently, Ryan Adda’s designer frames are available not just across Australia, but in independent stores and select retailers in more than 7 countries. Presently, having successfully established a pan-global presence for all kinds of optometric services, Ryan Adda is devoted to bringing forward a relaxed fashion trend, with special emphasis on creating a range of appealing, zen eyeglasses for men and women of all ages. 

Over the years, we at Ryan Adda have strived to close the margin between young fashionistas and prescription lens wearers. And as a designer eyewear manufacturer, Ryan Adda creates unique designer frames, each one with its own story to tell, inspired by the beauty that surrounds us. Crafted for elegance and functionality, Ryan Adda’s designer eyeglasses are aimed to break the limits of designer frames. 

When it comes to eyewear, your optic health and wellness are our top priority. But that is no reason to compromise with your fashion statement! With Ryan Adda’s sleek, minimalist eyeglasses, you can ensure proper optic health while staying at the top of your style game. We boast our group of expert optometrists who have passionately devoted themselves to managing the company through consistency and design. Iconic and timeless, our latest range of designer lightweight eyeglasses speak for themselves and are available in a vast variety of colours and textures. Since we are devoted to attaining unparalleled levels of eyewear craftsmanship, Ryan Adda designer eyewear models are available for limited production runs. This ensures quality, and instead of reaching the point of saturation, we aim for one-of-a-kind eyewear designs, letting us offer you minimalistic eyewear frames tailored to your personality. With fewer production runs, this also allows us more independence and creativity in designing the perfect eyewear.

Now with Zeiss VTO catalogue 3D virtual try-on frames, you can seamlessly browse through copious Ryan Adda frames before purchasing the one perfectly suited to your personality.